Stream notes June 8, 2019
- Happy Hardware Saturday!
- News for next week (Tues/Thurs), Sat Hardware still on
- Check out the site!!
- Retrospective / Raid Plans
- Finish the speaker assembly
- Do the static test (No amps on this Fluke 101)
- Complete the IC - Transistor Amplifier switch
- Do the static tests that we can
- Work on the AM Detector and test
What did we learn
- I need some kind of a jig to pre-tin wires for solder prep
- We should probably have a commands command that gets sent to chat regularly
- (PakmanJr): If you bend pins out a tiny bit you can get better socket adhesion
Next steps
- AM Detector and test
- 2nd, then 1st amplifiers
- I wonder how that transistor board will hold up just attached on the socket?